“We the people” have and are under attack. Our literal lives, our liberties, and the pursuit of happiness are hanging in the balance; the attacks are more visible now than ever before in both Michigan and our nation.
Today you and I rest, relax and rejoice due to freedoms that we have inherited. Freedom like no other person as seen on the planet! A freedom that a few dared to stand for its people and stand against the government trying to be its God. We can no longer squander the freedoms.
This year we celebrate 246 years of freedom from the British Empire because of our Forefathers gathered in Independence Hall and DECLARED themselves to be free. A freedom that has been paid at an unfathomable cost. Rivers of blood have been shed by Americas military, many lives have been lost or changed forever so we can enjoy freedoms. We must now gather and declare we are free once again.
Women and Children are being taken advantage of. Women and young girls playing sports are being forced to compete against men and our Women in the military are facing same issues as men are allowed to shower in the women’s barracks. Meanwhile, the democrats chant “women’s rights” while they trample women’s rights. Children are being mutilated without parental rights through transgender mutilation that will forever change their life. Never having the opportunity to experience God given family. I will fight to pass law to make it illegal to mutilate our children.
Our border is open, and dangerous illegals are flooding into our country, putting our citizens in a dangerous condition. Michigan is 4th in the Nation for accepting undocumented people. Meanwhile the Democrats continue to steal citizens freedoms by demanding to report our weapons and how we choose to educate our children, violating our civil and religious rights. I will fight to keep our citizens free from government reporting to the “State” and government overreach of our children.
I want to remind you, the government is not our God, the government is not our physician, the government is not the parents to our children. Make no mistake about it we are fighting for the very existence of America. I still believe we can take Michigan and America back one heart at a time, one home at a time, one school at a time and one state at a time until we remember what an honor it is to live in this Country. True Leadership ensures the promotion of a limited government, and we must hold our elected officials accountable for this generation and next to come, will you join me?
Always Faithful,
Jason Woolford