
Our borders are open, we are being invaded. Lawless illegals are flooding into our country. Michigan is 4th in the Nation for accepting undocumented people from China, Afghanistan and South America; however, our government wants to document its free citizens, take our gun rights, raise our taxes and then provide free money, insurance and housing for illegals. I will inform our Governor and the Biden Administration that Michigan will no longer be accepting dangerous illegals.

Gun Rights

Michigan, under Democrat control, has stolen your fundamental gun rights. The militant left wants to disarm you and your family, while releasing violent criminals. There is no need for firearm registration, and I will lead the charge to repeal these unconstitutional laws as your legislator. I will always be a champion of the Second Amendment, and I will always be working to not just protect your gun rights, but to aggressively expand the right for you to defend you and your family


Children are being scarred for life through Transgender Mutilation and Hormone therapy. The Left is leading the charge for child abuse and sexual mutilation! I will remind the government they are not the parent to our children. The power belongs to you, the parents. I will fight for our children and push my fellow legislators to pass law banning the chemical, physical and emotional mutilation of our children day one.


As a Marine, a husband to a Marine, and the father to a daughter who serves in the Marine Core, we understand the uniqueness of women. The left is trying to take away your uniqueness as a woman. Our young girls and women have been hurt as they are being forced to compete in sports against biological males. This is not good for our girls who have worked so hard to get where they are. I will fight to support real women’s rights and work to ban men from competing in women’s sports.


True leadership insures the promotion of a limited government. In just one year our state budget has been raised by $50 BILLION dollars, putting the burden on you, the over-taxed citizen. Every month, you and your family are paying more than $1,000 extra to eat, live and drive. Meanwhile, lawmakers vote to keep spending and giving our money to Chinese companies. I will fight to restore the American dream, and reduce the budget & the burden on We the People.

Military & Veterans

Our Veterans are forgotten. The elected have allocated just over $2 million dollars out of a budget of $82 billion. Our veterans and their families suffer for sacrifices made for us, the American people. Meanwhile, Michigan taxpayer dollars, that our military fought for, are given to illegal aliens crossing the border. I will fight to take care of our true heroes, our veterans.

Jason Woolford is a Marine Corps Veteran, along with his wife and daughter, who also served in the Marine Corps.

Born and raised in Howell, Woolford understands the ongoing needs of his fellow Michiganders.

As a businessman and conservative leader in his community, Jason Woolford is ready to defend and remind “We the People” of our constitutional rights.

Government is out of control. We have a Border and Economic crisis. Our women and children are under attack. Woolford will fight to bring back the fundamentals that made this country great: Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness.