HOWELL, MI– Today, Republican House candidate Jason Woolford released his platform and plans for combatting the nation’s continuing illegal immigration crisis.

“This invasion is happening because our government is out of control and encouraging this border crisis,” Woolford said. “We can effectively fight this at the state level by supporting President Trump and also by removing all the subsidies making America a target.

Woolford championed his experience as a U.S. Marine and a Non-Profit leader for guidance on how he would handle the issue.

“My experiences are as a U.S. Marine and running a Non-Profit that interacts with 178 countries. The rest of the world wants what we have, and the Marines taught me to fight to defend America, and my ministry work has taught me how to work with others globally,” said Woolford.

“Michigan is 4th in the Nation for accepting Illegal Aliens and we need to both protect our border, but we also need to fix our government so that we’re not so appealing for criminals. Our laws and policies make a mockery of those who follow the law and come here legally, we need to fix this today,” said Woolford. “I will inform the Biden Administration that Michigan will no longer be accepting dangerous illegals being bussed or flown into Michigan.”

Woolford released a key policy of his campaign titled, “Solving the Border Crisis,”

  • Banning Lawless ‘Sanctuary Cities’ and Counties: Don’t let left-wing areas become a ‘home base’ for criminals. The law should apply equally to all.
  • Require Sheriffs and Local Law Enforcement to Cooperate with ICE: State funding should come with a requirement to follow the laws.
  • Require proof of citizenship to access state benefits and resources: Michigan gives in-state and reduced tuition to criminals while charging your child full price. We need to prioritize our neighbors over non-citizens.

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Jason Woolford is running for Michigan’s 50th State House District which includes Howell, Fowlerville, and Hartland. Jason and wife Maria have been married for 31 years, live in Howell and have three children and five grandchildren. The 50th District seat is currently held by Rep. Robert Bezotte, who will not seek re-election. Bezotte has endorsed Woolford. Learn more by visiting